Why Are You #Worth It?

It’s important to preserve our sense of worth. Occasionally, think about your life now. Is it going the way you wish? What have you done (today) that makes you feel proud (a song!)? Be positive and mull over these things. They can be simple. Perhaps they involve work or home, interests or family and friends. Make a mental note of the good things. Quietly allow yourself to be satisfied, pleased.


Simple achievement-Each year this fuschia survives the winter (7 degrees centigrade) in our garden.

We don’t have to tell others unless we feel they are happy to share our thoughts.

By being positive about our achievements, however simple, we give our lives a meaning. This way we feel a desire to continue, maybe even with more goals.

Let’s keep trying!


Children And A #Social Life

We love our children but maybe we can miss out on going out. Try to find pubs and bars where there are facilities for children and adults to be together happily. UK National Trust attractions can include child-friendly cafes and outdoor eating and drinking areas. Find other places with high chairs along with necessary good nappy changing and toilet facilities. Some museums have excellent child-friendly facilities as well as displays involving children to keep them interested.

Bar, child friendly 2

Sundown at a beachside bar

Keep the contact details of all these various entertainment areas you have searched out so you can invite friends to join you with ease.


Skin #Cancer Alerts

I like to spend time gardening. I prefer to work where it is shady. I wait for the sun to move. Perhaps this is earlier or later, usually early. Just in case I have to go in a sunny spot, I cover up wearing a hat, loose t-shirt and gardening gloves. Every day I wear sunblock on my face.

BUT-twice I have discovered a small , slightly itchy pink patch on my skin. Once on my jaw and another time on my shoulder. The patch has been slow to enlarge. Don’t be deceived. They can grow deep. My skin doctor is skillful and after a biopsy he removes the growth. The analysis shows it’s malignant, not benign. The removal is pain-free and leaves no scar.

Never be complacent.

Basal cell carcinoma removed

Basal cell carcinoma removed

Basal cell carcinoma-just a plaster two days after removal.

Two days after surgery, just a plaster.

The sun picture is not mine.


#Sea Fever

If you live on an island, the sea may never be far away. No matter, give yourself a break and find the sea. Feel the soothing breeze or a battering  gale. Hear the rhythmical lap or destructive  crashing waves. Smell the sharp salt or the fusty ripe seaweed. Hear the screeching seagulls or the grunting cormorants. Feel the warm rays or the wet mist. Walk unsteadily on the smooth pebbles or be enveloped by endless fine sand.

Sea Fever
I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife;
And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.
Sea You beach bar

Sea You beach bar

Peer #Pressure

Do you find you complete something quickly when others are involved? Does that bit of painting or tidying the garden occur before guests arrive? Do you polish your computer skills on a new update before showing a friend who needs a demonstration? At work, we carry on at a steady pace until we are expected to show our expertise. Then there is a gallop to impress.

We chug along until a demand requires us to change into a faster gear. No pressure, no worries. However, we work better when there is a challenge. We need something to spur us on.

This is a good safety mechanism. It can stop burnout or stress. It’s better to be generally conscientious but add the extra effort only when the time requires.

Sunset Banana Bay 2


Tribute To A #Mother

An Entire Month 

For all the nappies
that you changed,
For all the play dates
you arranged.

For all the trips
back and forth to school,
For cleaning all the spit up
and the drool.

Why is there only
one Mother’s Day?
You could have at least got
one ENTIRE month.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Breast feeding - Copy



Share The #Cooking

Sometimes cooking with others is more speedy and less work. Different tastes can be included without one type of food predominating.

Perhaps you eat almost any cuisine and prefer to try new dishes from recipes online. Others may be more traditional. I like to make a spicy cauliflower recipe with added plain steamed pak choi and roasted sweet potato chips. Preparation is simple and the dishes are colourful and nutritious. Someone else likes to make a traditional meat casserole using favourite recipe books.

Shared cooking-meat casserole, spicy cauliflower with pak choi and sweet potato wedges

So this way we both assemble and cook the dishes, serving them together.

The vegetables can be served alone as can the casserole, making two meals instead of one. So one meal can be frozen for another day. Time problems? Cooking can be shortened with the use of a microwave or pressure cooker for the casserole. Good food without one person doing all the work!




#Reward Yourself

Sometimes when others are celebrating, we can feel lonely or left out. Various reasons make us unable to join in. Perhaps the absence of a significant person or troubled relationships can influence this situation. We need to cheer ourselves up.

Rather than feel gloomy, we can help ourselves. Usually, retail therapy is known to work. Spoil yourself by buying something. Use your common sense and make sure you can afford it as guilt or insolvency will add to your gloom. It doesn’t have to be a big item.

There are other ways too. What do you like to do? A  visit to a preferred place, a simple walk or your favourite exercise are all therapeutic. Maybe buying something delicious to eat as a treat will lift your spirits.

Just do what you feel indulges you, even watching your favourite items all day! You will feel valued and your confidence restored.

Cheer up!

Be good to yourself. You deserve it!


How To #Move Forward

I bought my second sewing machine as a teenager. It served me well. I was able to make most of my clothes and some for family and friends. My clothes were original, made to last, as I used french seams and lining, plus being economical. All my paper patterns, including that of my wedding dress, are stored in our nearly empty attic. As yet, I have to find a home for over thirty paper patterns. Some of the designs have been updated and used again, such as flared trousers but others, like my PVC raincoat with geometric shapes, I wouldn’t wish to try again!

Over the last year, I have completely sorted our possessions. Every time I climbed the ladder into the attic to locate an item, I brought down something to discard. All over our home, unused or dated items have been taken to the charity shops, given away or thrown in the bin. However, my sewing machine has only just gone.

My trusty old ewing machine

My trusty old sewing machine

It was replaced by a third lighter, more automatic model. For a while, I kept both of them. Making a bed cover for a friend using the smooth, more advanced machine, persuaded me to part with the old one. I kept the original thread and bobbin box but the machine was disposed of for me. I felt pleased that I had moved on from my comfort blanket, rather than clinging to a possession from my formative years.

My smooth, light new sewing machine

My smooth, light new sewing machine

#Packing Tips

So you’re going away by road, rail, water or air.

LOOK AHEAD-weight limitations, present climate of destination(s), style of accommodation (a home, hotel, private rental etc), possible social events (smart restaurant, party, formal function etc), holiday or work wear

PACK mainly for the daytime. Roll up clothes. If possible, choose creaseproof non-iron clothes for less fuss. Try to pack just a few colours so you can mix and match. Remember sports clothes. Pack only basic toiletries and make-up. Some products can have double uses such as a moisturiser can remove make-up too. Lightweight scarves are useful plus a few pieces of cheap jewellery. Choose footwear for daytime with just one pair which doubles for evening wear. Underwear-one to wear plus one to wash. Leave room/weight for purchases.

LARGE BAG- makeup in small containers in see-through bag, medicine, hand sanitizer, glasses/sunglasses, reading (book/tablet/laptop/phone), camera, money/cards/passport/tickets, bottle of water, tissues, sugar-free chewing gum/mints, small umbrella, gloves, breakable/precious items/presents

OUTFIT FOR TRAVELLING with comfort in mind- crease resistant, not-constricting waist, loose top/dress, flat shoes, flight socks (long haul) under trousers, easily folded jacket/cardigan



Lots of compartments have various uses.